ECOSEAL srl is a young dynamic company, which is carving out a larger and larger share of market in the production and sale of preformed butyl and polyisobutylene sealants and water adhesives. ECOSEAL srl wants to be a competitive and professional partner able to give a positive response to the increasing demand for more and more specialised products with a high level of quality and reliability. Owing to a specifically oriented development plan, we have been able to further increase our production capacity in order to meet new requests from the market and with the purpose of offering the best service according to one’s needs. Our excellent knowledge of the product combined with skilled personnel allow us to meet special needs with high levels of quality and reliability. In order to offer the best service according to your needs, we have developed an in-house labelling system, which makes it possible to produce customised products with the aim to find the most suitable solutions for our clients.
Our company is based on a few simple values:

Quality, transparency and reliability.

Our products are analysed in our laboratories by experts and at every hour our qualified operators carry out quality controls on all our production in order to ensure excellent quality standards. All the raw materials used in our production cycles are EU registered in compliance with the main safety norms of REACH regulations enforced on 1st June 2007. Moreover, our products do not contain any substance included on the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorisation.

Meeting clients’ needs and development of human resources.

Every year, our company organises refresher courses for its personnel so that our employees are more and more trained and qualified to meet all the needs of old and new clients. Moreover, we are really flexible and this makes deliveries faster in case of both small and large orders.


Being environmentally friendly has always been one of the main goals of our company in terms of activity and investments. The packaging of raw materials is 100% recyclable and it is used in paper mills and/or by the companies involved in the production of flexible packaging thus reducing the impact on the environment to zero with a consequent caring attitude towards it.